株式会社 川田(以下「当社」)は、以下のとおり個人情報保護方針を定め、個人情報保護の仕組みを構築し、全従業員に個人情報保護の重要性の認識と取組みを徹底させることにより、個人情報の保護を推進致します。We have taken all necessary measures to ensure proper management of the personal information of our clients. Personal information is kept accurate and up-to-date. We handle personal information within a well-maintained and secure system, and provide our employees with thorough training in how to handle personal information.

個人情報の管理Our privacy policy
当社は、お客さまの個人情報を正確かつ最新の状態に保ち、個人情報への不正アクセス・紛失・破損・改ざん・漏洩などを防止するため、セキュリティシステムの維持・管理体制の整備・社員教育の徹底等の必要な措置を講じ、安全対策を実施し個人情報の厳重な管理を行ないます。We have taken all necessary measures to ensure proper management of the personal information of our clients. Personal information is kept accurate and up-to-date. In order to prevent unauthorized access to, loss of, damage to, falsification of, or leaking of personal information, we handle personal information within a well-maintained and secure system, and provide our employees with thorough training in how to handle personal information.
個人情報の利用目的How we use clients’ personal information
お客さまからお預かりした個人情報は、当社からのご連絡や業務のご案内やご質問に対する回答として、電子メールや資料のご送付に利用いたします。We use personal information provided by clients when sending e-mail or attaching documents in order to contact clients, provide them with business information, and answer their questions.
個人情報の第三者への開示・提供の禁止We never disclose clients’ personal information to third parties
We manage personal information provided by clients in a proper manner, and never disclose it to third parties except in the following circumstances.
– When clients explicitly consent to sharing of their personal information
– When we outsource work to other companies in order to perform the services requested by clients
– When disclosure of clients’ personal information is required by law
個人情報の安全対策We take safety measures to protect clients’ personal information
当社は、個人情報の正確性及び安全性確保のために、セキュリティに万全の対策を講じています。 ご本人の照会 お客さまがご本人の個人情報の照会・修正・削除などをご希望される場合には、ご本人であることを確認の上、対応させていただきます。We take all possible measures to ensure the accuracy and safekeeping of clients’ personal information. Consulting your personal information If clients ask to view the personal information kept on them by Kawata Gallery, or for that information to be corrected or deleted, we will comply immediately after verifying the identity of the client.
法令、規範の遵守と見直しRevisions of privacy policy and compliance with laws and regulations
当社は、保有する個人情報に関して適用される日本の法令、その他規範を遵守するとともに、本ポリシーの内容を適宜見直し、その改善に努めます。We comply with all Japanese laws and regulations that apply to the retaining of personal information, and continually strive to review and improve our privacy policy.
お問い合せHow to contact us
株式会社 川田
〒658-0081 神戸市東灘区田中町1-13-22-102
TEL 078-451-1154
FAX 078-451-1155
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us. Kawata co., Ltd.
Kawata co., Ltd.
Tanaka-cho 1-13-22-102, Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0081, Japan
TEL 078-451-1154
FAX 078-451-1155